søndag 22. juni 2008

Warning: girl blog!

I went shoe shopping the other day, as my regular walking shoes have holes in them, and weren't all that nice to begin with. If my new shoes are fit for walking long distances is perhaps doubtful, but they do look nice...

These were bought for 10 euros to console myself after I once again found red shoes with white polka dots (under), that were supposed to go with the dress also (partially) shown under (that I bought on sale last fall and am using for the first time today), but this time they were too small.. What's a girl to do? Buy another pair of red shoes of course!

I also went back to the market the other day to buy the Beatles bag that got cooler in my mind every time I thought about it, and I do still think it's rather nice!

So that should keep my shopping itch at bay for a little while at least.. :)

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